Anir Chowdhury: Orchestrating national digital transformation in Bangladesh

Anir Chowdhury is the Executive Director of a2i of Bangladesh. Anir and his team, including guest researcher Ishtiaque Hussain, have dedicated the last 16 years to forging a new digital Bangladesh. Learn more about Anir's fascinating journey from tech entrepreneur to reluctant policy maker and the lessons a2i has learned about building an innovation culture that fosters collaboration and competition, and the power of counting what matters.

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Welcome to Digital Decisions, where Kate Wilson brings you insightful conversations with global visionaries who are revolutionizing their communities using digital tools. Join us as we delve into the intricate political landscapes defining national digital public infrastructure, explore cutting-edge platforms powering digital service delivery across nations, and contemplate the ethical dimensions of responsible data utilization. Tune in regularly to hear their stories and understand how you can make better choices as you deploy digital tools to create an inclusive future.