Episode 026 - Deepfakes

Steven Batiste and Kate Pohl explore the realm of deepfakes to better understand the topic itself as well the effects on society. Steven explains exactly what a deepfake is as well as the technology behind it. We look at the connection to artificial intelligence and explore the power of GANs (generative adversarial networks). The adversarial relationship between the "decoder and the discriminator" turns out to be key. In other words, both work in a competitive fashion to continually improve the deepfake. What are the use cases... both those used to do good as well as ... evil?  What are the key concerns around this technology? And can we make sure that it is used safely? Please tune in and find the answers to these questions and a lot more. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/steven-batiste/support

Om Podcasten

Join Kate and Steve in exploring the world of technology on our weekly podcast. There is so much going on but we want to demystify Technology... making the complex both transparent and easy to understand - not just for the nerds - but for EVERYONE. Every week, Steven, our resident Techo Wizzard and Kate will explore some facet of technology. We're looking to make new concepts both clear and easy for ALL. So...If you have a technology topic you are burning to know more about ... but maybe are afraid to ask.... Digital Dump is your answer! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/steven-batiste/support