Episode 052 - A Discussion with Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner at Strategic Treasurer

Steven and Kate hosted Craig Jeffery, Managing Partner at Strategic Treasurer. Craig explained that although his formal education was centered on accounting he began his career in insurance, technology, investments, banking and then consultancy, starting his own firm in 2004. When asked about “Mega” trends, Craig cited embedded finance, the need for broadening risk controls and technologies such as cloud i.e., SaaS, artificial intelligence /machine learning (ML) as well as APIs for connectivity. ML will become ever more important to e.g., combat fraud with the ability to detect patterns and discover anomalies.  “Seeing ALL my cash everywhere should be standard and base line”, explains Craig. “Full connectivity should not be a cost benefit discussion… if accounts are not needed or relevant, they should be closed”.  Are Instant Payments really necessary? “Maybe they are not a must for today… but things are not going to slow down,” he explains.  “It is probably fair to say that in, latest, 10 years it will be a must!”  What is at the top of a treasurer’s wish list?   Will treasury see a drop in staffing due to technology? How important is ESG and at what pace is this going to affect treasury operations? Join us to find out the answers to these and many other questions on Digital Dump. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/steven-batiste/support

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Join Kate and Steve in exploring the world of technology on our weekly podcast. There is so much going on but we want to demystify Technology... making the complex both transparent and easy to understand - not just for the nerds - but for EVERYONE. Every week, Steven, our resident Techo Wizzard and Kate will explore some facet of technology. We're looking to make new concepts both clear and easy for ALL. So...If you have a technology topic you are burning to know more about ... but maybe are afraid to ask.... Digital Dump is your answer! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/steven-batiste/support