Reality Bytes #20 – Anatomy of a Bad Video Call

We’ve all been there: staring at a laptop screen during a video call where everything’s going wrong – audio that goes in and out, choppy video quality, sudden disconnections, you name it. If you think this is an unavoidable consequence of navigating the modern workplace, today’s episode of Reality Bytes is here to prove otherwise. This week, Nexthink technical experts Oriana and Dina school Tom, Sean, and Sam on the ins and outs of video conferencing technology, why problems occur, and how they can be prevented. They discuss:Personal horror stories of bad call experiences.The technical factors that influence video call quality.How IT can proactively improve collaboration tool experience. If you want to learn more about improving poor call quality, be sure to read the following blog post: How to Improve MS Teams’ Poor Quality across the Enterprise with NexthinkFor more amazing DEX content, including podcasts, articles and exclusive research, head over to the DEX Hub ( To hear more interviews like this one, subscribe to the Digital Employee Experience Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform. Listening on a desktop and can’t see the links? Just search for Digital Employee Experience in your favorite podcast player.

Om Podcasten

The DEX Show (Digital Employee Experience): A Show for IT Change Makers is dedicated to IT professionals looking to advance the industry by leaps and bounds. IT is changing—you know it, and so do we—and without a healthy dose of curiosity about how the future of IT will affect employee experience of entire companies, traditional workers will be left behind.If you see IT as more than the basement-dwelling, plumber cliche it’s so often portrayed as, this is the podcast for you.Each episode will feature topics such as digital employee experience, IT infrastructure, end user experience management (EUEM), IT analytics, virtualization, the future of work, and more.