Reality Bytes #25 - DEX and Learning

Learning and training is a fascinating area in the B2B software space. On the one hand, the chance to learn new technology is always a career opportunity – but how do (or should) vendors work to ensure it never becomes an imposition?In this episode of Reality Bytes, Tom, Dina, and Sean delve into this question, with guest Aga Skraburska, the Product Education Manager at Nexthink.The conversation delves into Aga's perspective on the tension between innovation and usability and the role of training and certification in bridging the gap. They also explore Aga's relationship with both new and existing Nexthink users, highlighting the importance of feedback and understanding their learning needs. Aga sheds light on the structured process she follows for learning development, focusing on new products and existing product updates, and shares great details about her own fascainting professional journey.Register for Experience Everywhere here and take the DEX Certification series here ( hear more interviews like this one, subscribe to the Digital Employee Experience Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform.Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for Digital Employee Experience in your favorite podcast player.

Om Podcasten

The DEX Show (Digital Employee Experience): A Show for IT Change Makers is dedicated to IT professionals looking to advance the industry by leaps and bounds. IT is changing—you know it, and so do we—and without a healthy dose of curiosity about how the future of IT will affect employee experience of entire companies, traditional workers will be left behind.If you see IT as more than the basement-dwelling, plumber cliche it’s so often portrayed as, this is the podcast for you.Each episode will feature topics such as digital employee experience, IT infrastructure, end user experience management (EUEM), IT analytics, virtualization, the future of work, and more.