EP49: Pt 04 "eMental Health Series" - Lance Burdett, Founder & CEO of WARN International

EP49: Covid-19 has been getting blamed for many things including the increase in mental health issues, depression and suicide but the fact is these were already trending at frighteningly high levels before the pandemic came upon us.  In this episode, Scott talks with Lance Burdett who shares his life's journey from being a builder, reaching the top level in the New Zealand Police Force and then setting up WARN International as he saw first-hand the rising demand for his services and unique way of delivering them.  Lance wears many hats from being a renowned author, media consultant, mentor, speaker and all round top bloke.

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Insightful interviews with key thought leaders on all things digital health from New Zealand, Australia and across the globe. Brought to you by New Zealand Health IT (NZHIT), the leading peak body for NZ's digital health industry sector, talking with people who are shaping the future of healthcare, disability, mental health and social services nationally and internationally.