Customers pay this founder >100,000 per year: pricing software and the interplay of content and business - Kison Patel, DealRoom.

Kison Patel created, the solution for corporate transactions as a tool, without investors. Over the years, he has additionally launched MA Science, an educational brand for the Mergers & Acquisitions (company acquisitions) space, and has shaken up the scene. What you'll learn: What problems are really worth solving with a product or software Pricing of software solutions (Dealroom sometimes charges more than 100.000€ per year from customers) The challenges of team building and organizational structure How not to forget to develop yourself in between all the problems of building a company ALL ABOUT UNICORN BAKERY: (00:01:04) What brought you to the M&A field and why are you still in it? (00:04:41) Why do you tend to work with smaller deals and what is the challenge behind large deals? (00:08:49) What are the most important learnings from founding and existing DealRoom and why did you build a content brand on top with M&A Science? (00:19:24) What is the right balance between innovation and products based on customer feedback? (00:21:33) How do you find the right relevant problems for your target audience and prioritize like you do the existing problems? (00:28:23) You are 50 employees today - what challenges did you face on the way to becoming a team and a structured organization? (00:36:40) How have you personally evolved as the company has grown and what challenges have been most difficult? (00:43:19) How do you structure your projects and how far along does one need to be before you can start something new? (00:49:17) How do you go about pricing your products? (00:52:56) What is your ultimate tip for founders? Kison Patel: LinkedIn: M&A Science:

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Unicorn Bakery is the startup podcast about the essential questions and issues in founding a startup. We interview the world’s leading startup founders and venture capital investors to cover every stage of the startup process, from ideation and strategy to technical, legal and financial issues. Listen to stories and lessons learned from the world's best founders and learn what it takes to create and scale your own startup.