Episode 29: The Story of Humankind: Social and Digital Transformation

This podcast is an important concept that sets the foundation for the new series coming next – Digital Philosophy. Scott shares the concept that the generations alive today are struggling with a lack of context and story as to what we are trying to achieve as a country, or as a world. We have almost no agreement as to what the important outcome of our being alive together will mean. Without a compelling story to hang on to, we are floundering in a existential crisis. So, Scott offers a story we can all hang on to. It is a story with a positive ending that historians will write about for hundreds of years. Listen and see if this story resonates with you.

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It is seductive to fear the future because we are biologically programmed to look for danger. This natural impulse is enabled by popular media. However, this podcast is meant to awaken a sense of hope for a bright Humalogy™ future. With a more expansive view of the facts, history has proven that humanity constantly progresses. Technology is increasing the speed at which we experience this beneficial progression.