23 -Influencer Disclosure; the How, What and Why

If you are starting to work with brands, offer affiliate links and participate in other collaborations it is important to understand what is expected of you. This podcast goes over the Disclosure Guidelines document for influencers produced by Canada’s Ad Standards. This document was created with consideration of other legal, regulatory organizations around the world. This podcast should not be taken for legal advice or interpretation of the law.

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Are you wanting to start a website or blog? Wondering where to begin? Not sure where you should spend your money and where not to? Do you want to rock it online? Diane Martin of Digitally Sassy coaches women entrepreneurs on building and promoting a successful online business. With over 20 years experience she brings a wealth of information to share with you. From building your own WordPress website, creating blogs, gaining skills in social media to providing tools and resources that help your business grow. Yes, you can D.I.Y. your e-business! Let's go!