Bullet Girls Phantasia is very pervy! Also Shinto spirituality and hunting games. (Digitally Uploaded 2018, Episode #29)

Bullet Girls Phantasia is a mind-boggling game that's just been released in English throughout Asia. We've been playing it a heck of a lot and chat about that this week. We also talk about how terrible hunting games are, and how awesome games are when they reflect Shinto spirituality. Thanks as always for tuning in, and if you want to chat with us on Twitter, here are our handles: Matt S: @digitallydownld Harvard L: @harvardliu Ginny W: @ginnywoes

Om Podcasten

For fans of Japanese games and culture, this is the podcast for you! Each week we talk JRPGs, Sony, Nintendo, Square Enix, Capcom and all about your favourite games that are coming out Nihon!