Fortnite, and great games that are hard to play! (Digitally Uploaded 2018, Episode #28)

We had lots to talk about this week! First we talk about Fortnite and addiction (and the media's horrid handling of both topics), and then move on to really excellent games that are hard to motivate yourself to play. We also chat about the new character additions to Dead or Alive 6, this year's NHL release, and game franchises that we'll continue to support no matter how bad they get (hello, Harvest Moon). Be sure to chat with us on Twitter if you'd like - and let us know what topics you'd like for us to talk about! Alan M: @Trufflesss_ Matt S: @digitallydownld See you next week!

Om Podcasten

For fans of Japanese games and culture, this is the podcast for you! Each week we talk JRPGs, Sony, Nintendo, Square Enix, Capcom and all about your favourite games that are coming out Nihon!