PlayStation State of Play - a bust? And we talk about spoilers! (Digitally Uploaded 2019, Episode #15)

Sony held a PlayStation State of Play last week, so we talk about what we saw in there, and whether Sony has its event formula nailed down properly yet (it probably doesn't). We also have a good chat about spoilers, and whether people are starting to take that too far (they probably are). Finally, in the wake of Ubisoft going out there and actively claiming that its new Tom Clancy game "isn't political," when it quite blatantly is, we have a good laugh at how sour the discource around politics in games has turned. Thanks as always for tuning in, and we'll see you next week!

Om Podcasten

For fans of Japanese games and culture, this is the podcast for you! Each week we talk JRPGs, Sony, Nintendo, Square Enix, Capcom and all about your favourite games that are coming out Nihon!