“Coming Out” To Your Parents As Childfree (With Special Guest Gabrielle Moss!)
Nothing defines the holidays more than brutal conversations with family. Going home for the holidays leaves you especially vulnerable to parents asking when you’re gonna settle down and pop out a couple grandchildren. On this special episode, we’re joined by Gabrielle Moss, author of How To Tell Your Parents You Don’t Want Kids on Bustle.com, as well as Paperback Crush: The Totally Radical History of '80s and '90s Teen Fiction, and GLOP: Nontoxic, Expensive Ideas That Will Make You Look Ridiculous And Feel Pretentious. Moss joins to breaks down her top tips on how delivering the news with compassion. If you’re sweating the conversation, this episode is for you. To buy one of Gabrielle’s books, visit Bookshop.org. For the full story on Kylie Jenner’s son, Wolf, check out this story at People. Tap HERE to support this show. Wanna connect with us on social media? You can find us on Instagram and TikTok. If you have a question or comment, email us at dinkypod@gmail.com. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dinky-podcast/support