Magic Words

-Teachers unions cry foul when people object to Critical Race Theory in public schools, claiming it’s not being taught. Their own meeting agendas and Tweets show otherwise. -The White House wants to knock on your door Jehovah’s Witness-style to get you vaxxed, Antifa menaces women protesters who want men out of their spa change rooms, and Brits make color-coded lanyards for infantilized office workers to ward off The Covid -Word magic is real. Narcissistic redefinitions of common words zombify our minds and keep us confused and off-balance. See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Four years ago, I woke from a spell that I had been under since childhood. After decades of torment, I recognized my mother for what she truly was: a personality-disordered abuser. She wasn't the victim she had always claimed to be. Then I saw the same behavior and abuse tactics being adopted and applauded by the social justice left.