Baron & David Q & A: You Want a Real Friend? Be One!

Real friends are those who will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone, push you to grow, and encourage you to become the best version of yourself. Even criticism can be constructive if it comes from a place of love and helps you learn and develop.In this episode of “Disrupting the Drift”, Baron and his guest David encourage you to surround yourself with people who inspire you to be a better version of yourself.Why?The impact of your actions on your friendships and relationships can be long-lasting. People who spend a lot of time with negative people, (or those who engage in destructive behaviors) tend to adopt these attitudes and behaviors as well. This can lead to making bad decisions and engaging in risky behaviors that can cause harm to yourself and others.Listen to the end to hear Baron and David’s perspective on the difference between being a control freak and being controlled. Click ‘Play’ now, because this is a powerful episode you do not want to miss. Start or continue your daily meditation practice with this Meditation on Vision led by Baron Baptiste. CLICK HERE.  ( or your full potential in all areas of your life! Join me on Momentum Nation  ( there a question or topic you’d like me to address on the podcast? Send me an email at I’ll take your suggestions and questions into consideration when planning upcoming episodes! Listen to the episode on your favorite podcast platform. Subscribe to Disrupting The Drift with Baron Baptiste on YouTube HERE.

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I'm Baron Baptiste. On this podcast I am offering an against-the-grain, common-sense perspective on today’s culture, mental fitness and what it takes to live true. I give my reactions to current happenings and headlines, identify problems, and look for lessons to be learned in order to disrupt the drift in our own lives and help make the world a better place. From time to time I’ll be joined by interesting guests and friends who share wisdom which, if applied, could add big value to our lives. Subscribe to the show to be notified of each new episode and let's disrupt the drift together! Is there a question or topic you’d like me to address on the podcast? Send me an email at I’ll take your suggestions and questions into consideration when planning upcoming episodes!