Episode #29 - Powering through

The last time we caught up with Dixie, she had decided to get her ingrowing toenails cut out. This was clearly going to disrupt the progress she had been making, and I fully expected her mileage to drop precipitously. She told me that we'd try to speak straight after the operation and, when I didn't hear from her, I feared the worst.  But, being Dixie, she had responded to the advice by walking straight away. You just can't keep a good woman down. With the weather soon to deteriorate in Montana, she is now heading fast to Canada with a new determination to get there before the snow gets to her.

Om Podcasten

Follow along with Jessica "Dixie" Mills as she attempts to complete the third leg of hiking's Triple Crown–The Continental Divide Trail. We'll have updates at least twice a week and they will all be posted between 1 and 24 hours after our conversation. This is about as live as you can get.