049 | How to Stop Procrastinating about your Photos

Are you procrastinating about doing something with your photos? Have you EVER procrastinated about doing something with your photos? Join Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach as they help guide you through the steps to stop procrastinating about your photos. In this episode we talk about the results from the recent survey we conducted revealing what people procrastinate about regarding their photos, and why. We found that people procrastinate mostly because they are: •Overwhelmed and don't know where to start •Overwhelmed with the enormous task ahead •Overwhelmed because they don't have enough knowledge to make confident decisions Some of the other reasons include: •Abstract goals •Rewards that are far in the future •A disconnect from our future self •Feeling overwhelmed •Anxiety •Task aversion •Perfectionism •Fear of failure •Indecisiveness We want to see you succeed in your projects and we believe understanding why you are procrastinating, and following clear steps to move through it, are key for your success. We have produced the free eGuide to teach you How to Stop Procrastinating about your Photos. You can download your free copy here: https://www.diyphotoorganising.com.au/lp-stop-procrastinating-guide/ We would love to see you over at any of our socials: Facebook www.facebook.com/diyphotoorganising Instagram www.instagram.com/diyphotoorganising If you'd like to learn more about us, go to: www.diyphotoorganising.com.au Fiona Staff's website: www.photohelper.com.au Chantal Imbach's website: www.photosinorder.com.au If you are not in Melbourne and would like to explore having a Photo Manager help you, check out www.thephotomanagers.com to find help closer to home. Author Fiona Staff and Chantal Imbach

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We are Certified Photo Organisers passionate about helping others achieve their own photo organising goals. We are here to share our knowledge, in a practical way, to help you complete your own personal photo projects.