EP 102: How to Have Healthy Boundaries Around Your Client Sessions

So often my students in The Bodywork Project come to me with questions on how to set boundaries in their businesses because, lets face it, it can be hard implementing healthy boundaries! On today’s episode of the Do It With Intention Podcast I’ll share some simple but game-changing advice on setting healthy boundaries in your massage and bodywork practice. By creating strong boundaries, your clients they can get more out of their sessions, while you run your days more smoothly and professionally -- creating a safe container for your clients and a thriving practice for you. This week on the Do It With Intention Podcast: 3 ways to set boundaries in your business to facilitate your clients’ healing. Why setting realistic expectations will help you and the client to get the most out of your work together. How to guide a session while still keeping the client in charge of the session and their healing. Resources from this episode: Grab your free practice-building resources here! Check out my website The Bodywork Project YouTube massage business videos  

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Turn your passion for the work you do into a successful business that you love, all without burning out or selling out. Join host Mindy Totten, LMBT, CST-D, for weekly episodes about marketing and all things bodywork business. With clarity, empathy, and a dash of humor, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty about what it REALLY takes to build a profitable and sustainable massage or bodywork practice. You do great work in the world. You deserve to make a great living doing it.