EP 128: STICKY SITUATIONS -- When a client forgets to pay you.

There are times when your clients are so focused on the healing aspect of their bodywork session that they forget the important step that keeps your business running – their payment. On today’s episode of the Do It With Intention Podcast, we have another bite-sized episode on how to handle clients that may have forgotten to pay you after their session ends. You can handle this in a simple, clear way without embarrassment for you or your client. We’ll cover this, and many more sticky situations over the coming weeks so send me a note with your personal sticky situations from your bodywork business, I’d love to hear from you! This week on the Do It With Intention Podcast:  One way I gently ask for follow up payment from my clients that makes it as easy as possible for them. What to say to your clients that doesn’t make asking for their payment embarrassing or emotional. Resources from this episode: Grab your free practice-building resources here! Check out my website The Bodywork Project YouTube massage business videos

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Turn your passion for the work you do into a successful business that you love, all without burning out or selling out. Join host Mindy Totten, LMBT, CST-D, for weekly episodes about marketing and all things bodywork business. With clarity, empathy, and a dash of humor, we’ll dive into the nitty-gritty about what it REALLY takes to build a profitable and sustainable massage or bodywork practice. You do great work in the world. You deserve to make a great living doing it.