TDP 1246 Doctor Who The Ninth Doctor Adventures Buried Threats Review

review   This title was released in February 2024. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2024, and on general sale after this date. Not all perils faced by the Doctor are as obvious as an alien invasion. Some threats have been buried for millennia, some for mere centuries, and some hide inside a troubled mind. But whenever he finds injustice, danger, or just an irresistible mystery, the Doctor won’t stop digging until the truth is uncovered. 3.1 A Theatre of Cruelty by Lisa McMullin Someone or something is manipulating the dreams of French playwright Antonin Artaud. As Artaud’s nightmares are made manifest, the Doctor is compelled to intervene. Otherwise, Artaud’s new idea for an immersive theatre could become a ticket to literally die for. 3.2 The Running Men by Mark Wright The TARDIS brings the Doctor to 21st Century Halifax, alongside police Sergeant Ambika Desai, as they investigate a mysterious death. The trail leads to the Hebble Piazza and an unscrupulous developer, as the Doctor uncovers the town’s distant past – and the infamous Halifax gibbet. The Running Men are rising from history! 3.3 Ancient History by Matt Fitton Professor Bernice Summerfield is delving into the mystery of the Korravin, a mighty warrior horde, vanished overnight. But her expedition seems jinxed. And when a familiar blue box appears, Benny knows they’re in trouble. As ancient history resurfaces, the Doctor wants to keep some things buried - but Benny’s an expert at digging up the past.

Om Podcasten The Tin Dog welcomes you to sit back and listen to his rants and ramblings about all that is best in modern SF and Television. Via the gift of the new fangled Podcast over the tinterweb. As you can probably guess Tin Dog mostly talks about Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith but that wont stop him talking about any other subject you suggest. Hailing from a non specific part of the northeast of England, Tin Dog is male and in his mid 30s. A life long fan of almost all TV SF. His semi-autistic tendencies combined with his total lack of social skills have helped him find a place in the heart of British SF Fandom. Even as a child the Tin Dogs mother told him that she can trace his love of SF TV back to his rhythmic kicking, while still in the womb, along to the beat of the Avengers theme music. From Gabriel Chase to Totters Lane, from the Bad Wolf Satellite to the back streets of the Cardiff, Tin Dog will give you his thoughts on the wonderful Whoniverse. Daleks and Cybermen and TARDIS ES Oh My If you enjoy these Tin Dog Podcasts please remember to tell your friends and leave an email