How to plan for a thriving retirement. With Denise Taylor. Episode 103

Send us a textWhat kind of a life do you want after retirement? What sorts of stories do you want to tell in your old age? What would your 90 year old self say to you today? Most of us will go through the retirement transition. This involves a psychological adjustment, and a change in identity. Denise tells me that the key is to spend time thinking about what it is that you want, and to plan ahead to help you thrive in retirement.Denise Taylor is a chartered psychologist, with an MBA, and her...

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This podcast aims to help doctors create successful and meaningful careers. I'm having conversations with a range of doctors who have successful and meaningful careers, and with non-doctors who have expertise in careers, performance, leadership, and psychology. Let me know what you think, please subscribe and share, or suggest topics you'd like me to cover! Mat Daniel