07 Barking At Things - Part 1

Join Dr. Jen for the first of a two-part series about excessive barking!  Does your dog spend his afternoons looking out the window for things to bark at, or go crazy when he hears a noise outside?  Today's episode breaks down the issue of "alert barking" in the house - why dogs do this, and what we can do to calm the chaos when the barking is too much to handle. Also, a bonus listener question about dogs who hump other dogs during play.  Why does this happen, and what should we do about it?

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Does your dog bark at strangers, pull on the leash, or ignore you in training class? Or, perhaps your new pup runs away from you at the park, jumps all over visitors, or has potty accidents in the house. If so, don't worry - you're not alone! Join Dr. Jen, a veterinarian and professional dog trainer, as she delves into a wide variety of different topics in dog training and behavior - with an emphasis on practical advice to make life with your dog easier and more fun.