230 - Be a Green Dog Owner and The Particulars of Peter

www.DogCast Radio.com www.DogCastRadio.comFind out how to be a green dog owner, as George Bramble, of Beco pets, and James Bennett, of Wolfe Vets, have a wide-ranging discussion. Plus, there's a dog food giveaway offer for the first 100 DogCast Radio listeners who email Beco - details at www.DogCastRadio.com Kelly Conaboy shares the adventure she went on to write The Particulars of Peter, all about her dog. And Julie and Jenny have fun bringing you the DogCast Radio News.

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www.DogCastRadio.com We seek to cover anything and everything dog related. We profile dog breeds, have interviews with dog owners, breeders and others connected with dogs. We have training tips from professional dog trainers, from the basic to the impressive party piece trick. For younger listeners we have Puppy Play Time, with items of interest for them, competitions and training tips too. We have news, Buddy's diary, website reviews and more.