Cash Daddies #2: Pump And Dump With Sam Tripoli and Howie Dewey

Thank you so much for tuning in for another tuning in for another episode of Ca$h Daddie$ with Sam Tripoli and Howie Dewey! This episode we discuss: 1) How do elections and or Republican or Democratic presidents effect markets? 2) Newsome vs Cuomo- Who's worse????? How far back did they set us? 3) What are Sectors? Oil, Tech, Pharma, Biotech, Utilities, Financial, Transportation 4) Bitcoin, Tesla and how they're similar and different. 5) We answer your questions! *****The show is a work in progress so bare with us as we figure out our pace and format!********

Om Podcasten

Sam Tripoli(from Tin Foil Hat Podcast) and Midnight Mike(from OBDM podcast) have joined forces to explore strange content from around the internet. From Simulation Theory and UFOs to Nostalgia videos and the after life, everything is on the table to be consumed and talked about. This is Doom Scrollin'!