Cash Daddies #93: "Crowdfunding for Dummies" with Benet Heames

Chris wows us with an impression, Howie offers some sage wisdom in a difficult market, and Sam reveals his investment in a pro football league that appears to feature a small college, a Native American tribe, and a cigarette lighter company. Also this week, we are joined by Benet Heames of Join the fastest growing venture capital investment community at Visit to subscribe to the Cash Daddies Patreon. Cash Daddies on social media:

Om Podcasten

Sam Tripoli(from Tin Foil Hat Podcast) and Midnight Mike(from OBDM podcast) have joined forces to explore strange content from around the internet. From Simulation Theory and UFOs to Nostalgia videos and the after life, everything is on the table to be consumed and talked about. This is Doom Scrollin'!