Cash Daddies #96: "HEXed (or Death of a Thousand Banshees)"

The show is under siege from an army of HEXicans, Chris Neff is struggling to keep Touch Butt on the rails, and Howie Dewey is here to make sense of a difficult market on this week's Cash Daddies. Also this week, Sam Tripoli mentions guns and gold. Visit to subscribe to the Cash Daddies Patreon, and get all the Touch Butt you can handle, plus Howie's sage wisdom. Cash Daddies on social media:

Om Podcasten

Sam Tripoli(from Tin Foil Hat Podcast) and Midnight Mike(from OBDM podcast) have joined forces to explore strange content from around the internet. From Simulation Theory and UFOs to Nostalgia videos and the after life, everything is on the table to be consumed and talked about. This is Doom Scrollin'!