The Non-Alcoholic Revolution with Ben Branson (Seedlip)

Until very recently sobriety has had negative connotations. People automatically assume you must be a stiff, boring, fun sponge. I never forget going to a party where my reluctance to imbibe prompted an obnoxious guest to point an imaginary gun to his head. Granted it was a 21st birthday and this was back in 2011 but still. Flash forward to 2018 and guess what the biggest trend in drinking is? The non-alcoholic variety – and leading the pack is Seedlip – the world’s first non-alcoholic spirit designed to solve the what to drink when you’re not drinking dilemma. Seedlip’s founder Ben Branson talks to us about appealing to a new generation that doesn’t drink, where we’ll be partying in the future and how to tap into the hedonism in health. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Om Podcasten

Hacking Happiness is a podcast by DOSE that explores what makes us feel good to improve our mental, physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Whether it's a dopamine hit from reaching a career goal. A rush of oxytocin from spending time with loved ones. A surge of serotonin from practising self care or a fitness class that sends endorphins soaring. Everyone's definition of feeling good is very different.DOSE is a multi-media platform for feel-good content and experiences. The brand now communicates to an audience of over 120,000 readers nationally. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.