George Washington [Russian Edition] Audiobook by Vladimir Chepinsky

Please visit to download full audiobooks of your choice for free. Title: George Washington [Russian Edition] Author: Vladimir Chepinsky Narrator: Tatyana Sirzhant Format: Unabridged Length: 4 hrs Language: English Release date: 04-03-15 Publisher: IDDK Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Political Figures Publisher's Summary: "Zhizn' zamechatel'nyh ljudej" - serija biograficheskih i hudozhestvenno-biograficheskih knig, vypuskavshihsja v 1890 - 1924 godah izdatel'stvom F.F.Pavlenkova. "Zhizn' zamechatel'nyh ljudej" - pervoe v Rossii universal'noe sobranie biografij vydajushhihsja: artistov, muzykantov, hudozhnikov, pisatelej, polkovodcev i politicheskih dejatelej, uchenyh i filosofov raznyh jepoh i stran, napisannyh po istoricheskim i literaturnym istochnikam. Rekomendovano dlja shirokoj chitatel'skoj auditorii. Dzhordzh Vashington (angl. George Washington; 22 fevralja 1732 goda, Bridzhs-Krik, shtat Virginija - 14 dekabrja 1799 goda, Maunt-Vernon, shtat Virginija) - amerikanskij gosudarstvennyj dejatel', pervyj prezident Soedinjonnyh Shtatov Ameriki (1789-1797), Otec-osnovatel' SShA, glavnokomandujushhij Kontinental'noj armii, uchastnik vojny za nezavisimost', sozdatel' amerikanskogo instituta prezidentstva. Please note: This audiobook is in Russian.

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