The Wonderful Life of the Famous Joseph Balsamo, Count Cagliostro [Russian Edition] Audiobook

Please visit to download full audiobooks of your choice for free. Title: The Wonderful Life of the Famous Joseph Balsamo, Count Cagliostro [Russian Edition] Author: Alexander Panasyuk Narrator: Sergey Kirsanov Format: Unabridged Length: 2 hrs and 57 mins Language: English Release date: 06-27-13 Publisher: New Internet Technologies Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Political Figures Publisher's Summary: Kniga odnogo iz talantlivejshih potov Serebryanogo veka Mihaila Kuzmina - zahvatyvayuschee povestvovanie o zhizni i priklyucheniyah grafa Kaliostro - samoj tainstvennoj i neodnoznachnoj lichnosti XVIII veka. Eta biografiya dolzhna byla stat' chast'yu zadumannoj, no ne osuschestvlennoj avtorom serii zanimatel'nyh zhizneopisanij Novyj Plutarh. Kto zhe on, Dzhuzeppe Bal'zamo, voshedshij v istoriyu kak graf Kaliostro? Vsemoguschij mag i volshebnik ili avantyurist i sharlatan, velikij uchenyj ili obmanschik i gipnotizer, lovko manipuliruyuschij soznaniem lyudej? Bessporno odno: prodelat' put' iz bednyh kvartalov Palermo do samyh blistatel'nyh domov Evropy i Rossii mog lish' chelovek talantlivyj, vydayuschijsya, odarennyj nezauryadnymi sposobnostyami. Please note: This audiobook is in Russian.

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