Bonus Episode: Thoughts on Necromunda Ash Wastes and the plastic Horus Heresy

In this bonus episode, we chat about the upcoming Necromunda Ash Wastes game and the new edition of the Horus Heresy. We talk about the new Ash Wastes Nomads warband and their insect-riding Dustback Helamites. We also speak sadly about how awful the new Orlock vehicles look, fitting alongside the previous Orlock gang models. We move on to talk about the upcoming Horus Heresy game, and how they used it as an opportunity to redesign the basic Space Marine, this time with MKVI armor.

Om Podcasten

Dragged into Turbolasers is Between the Bolter and Me's official miniature wargaming podcast. We talk critically about all aspects of the miniature hobby, with a primary focus on Warhammer 40,000 and other Games Workshop games. Rather than conversing about rules and competitive play, our priority is to discuss the miniature side of the hobby: exploring hobby techniques, talking about our current projects on the blog Between the Bolter and Me, and most importantly, interviewing people involved in the hobby.