Fashion History Mystery #60: What's Up, Lilli Ann?

Today's we answer several listeners' requests for an episode on the American womenswear brand Lilli Ann. One of the great runaway success stories of American 20th century fashion, the backstory of the brand takes some twists and turns from its early years in San Francisco's Chinatown, to Lilli Ann's founder's fisticuffs with New York mobsters and his surprising relationship with the French textile industry which garnered Adolph Schuman the prestigious Legion d'Honneur award.Our Sponsors:* Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code DRESSED for a great deal:* Check out Rakuten:* Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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With over 8 billion people in the world, we all have one thing in common. Every day we all get dressed. Join Dressed as we explore the social and cultural histories behind the who, what, when of why we wear.