79: Iridology, Sclerology, & Holistic Health With Nichole Hosein

 0:55 "I've always loved eyes.  Looking at people's eyes it's just, amazing.  So adding iridology where you can look at the iris and the sclerology being able to tell a lot about people's health, it was really eye opening for me."  11:07 "We grow a lot of our own food, we source it locally from organic farmers. What you eat is 80% of your healing.  You're investing in your health or taking away from it." 20:38 "My dad always had brown eyes... and then he had a heart attack and started juicing.  He has green eyes now.  When you start juicing you start pulling toxins out." 32:11 "I'm a holistic practitioner, so I don't just look at eyes.  I've been very blessed that I can consider nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle." https://compasslaboratory.com/    Follow Nichole Hosein https://instagram.com/threesproutsholistic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Follow Drew: @Twitter https://twitter.com/drewcanole @Instagram https://www.instagram.com/drewcanole/ @Facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/Drew-Canole/100044261357988/    

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The Drew and You Show is the place to find the tools and the guidance to level up all areas of your life. Hosted by Drew Canole founder of Organifi, serial entrepreneur and global leader in health and fitness. New episodes released weekly to help you find and get rid of blind spots that have held humans back for a millennium and introduce the tools that create dramatic up-leveling in the most important parts of this human experience. Subscribe and share for your chance at weekly giveaways from Organifi to supercharge your life!