The Whimsical Tale of Lady Daffodilia

Welcome back to another Drift Off episode! Tonight's storytelling is a silly whimsical tale called "Lady Daffodilia' by author Evelyn Sharp. Let the soothing narration and music carry you all the way to the land of restful sleep. I hope you enjoy this bedtime reading! Sweet dreams!Your friend,JoanneBecome a Drift Off Premium member today and receive: intro free listening to all episodes NO ADS or sponsorship announcements access 2 monthly bonus episodes get early access and listen...

Om Podcasten

Each week, Drift Off welcomes you with a soft, melodic voice that will help you fall asleep to bedtime stories from the public domain. Every episode begins with a brief relaxation to help you settle in, followed by a calm reading of a bedtime story.  Whether you're looking for a relaxing tale to help you unwind or a sleepy bedtime story, Drift Off Bedtime Stories for Adults  is the ultimate destination for a restful night's sleep.