Little House in the Big Woods (Chapter 10 & 11)

[CONTENT WARNING: These stories contain imagery of weapons, hunting/shooting animals, however not for cruelty but for pioneer survival during the late 1800's.]Welcome to this cozy fireside bedtime story reading of Chapters 10 & 11 from the beautiful book 'Little House in the Big Woods' by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This book is what started the treasured "Little House Series including 'Little House on the Prairie' by Laura Ingalls Wilder and I hope you enjoy it. If you want more chapters...

Om Podcasten

Each week, Drift Off welcomes you with a soft, melodic voice that will help you fall asleep to bedtime stories from the public domain. Every episode begins with a brief relaxation to help you settle in, followed by a calm reading of a bedtime story.  Whether you're looking for a relaxing tale to help you unwind or a sleepy bedtime story, Drift Off Bedtime Stories for Adults  is the ultimate destination for a restful night's sleep.