Drinking Socially - S3 Ep. 17: Is There a Hop Store?

Today is all about getting ingredients from the last 4 episodes, and what a brewer (Home or Pro) might go through to find the right grain, hops, and yeast (and water) to make beer. From there we cover the difficulty you may encounter with an Adjunct heavy beer as well. We do this all while enjoying the "East Coast Pliny" that is Maine's Lunch, and a Huge Collaboration with 10+ Breweries lead by Gizmo in NC! Black is Beautiful, and this version of it is also full of coffee! Plus! let us know what you think of the slight change in pacing for our first beer in the show! We had a lot of fun with this one. 🍻

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A look into what’s happening at Untappd and in the world of beer. We drink new beers every episode and add them to the #DrinkingSocially badge on Untappd. You're welcome to drink along with us and compare notes, submit feedback in the Facebook group, and share in some beer education, or laughter with us every Wednesday.