REprogram Your Mind | Marisa Peer

REprogram Your Mind | Transform Self Sabotage to Success is a powerful tool for personal development and self-improvement. It is a program designed to help people identify and stop self-sabotage behaviors that can hinder their progress in life. Self-sabotage is a common problem that affects many people. It is a pattern of behavior that undermines our own success and happiness. We engage in self-sabotage when we engage in behaviors that are counterproductive or harmful to our own well-being. ...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Dubai's new business podcast, Dubai Stars, with your host Anthony Joseph.Dubai Stars is the hottest podcast in Dubai where we interview the real hustlers who came to Dubai with literally nothing, and grew their way to getting on top of their game.This Show is about covering the journeys of self made Super Stars where we get inspired by their tips, strategies and learning curves.This Podcast covers it all, the struggle, the journey and the process of becoming a Real Dubai Star.