Wet Fries and Traveling

Kevin and Evan both took plane rides with their kids and came back in one piece. Evan's trip to Seattle, Washington (or in the vicinity) included a joy ride through a new airport, a beloved carseat carrier dismantling and a complete dismissal of normal bedtime hours. Meanwhile Kevin's trip to the Texas heat started on the wrong foot with too much walking, an annoyed wife and wet fries. But he did get a "You're doing a great job, Dad" award from a flight attendant, even though experts say - he was not. 

Om Podcasten

It's pronounced Dad, the "dumb" is silent. Comedians Kevin Laferriere and Evan Kyle Berger are just a couple of dads trying to have a little fun along the way. We believe the only way to erase the stigma that Dumb Dads get painted with is to parent harder, not dumber. Brought to you by BetOnline