7.66 - Baldur’s Gate: Death Wolf and the Pancake Man

Our anti-heroes have killed Straight Stick! The Forsaken (Ryan LaPlante, @theryanlaplante) completed his mission to get Grandpa to pee, Quinny (Tyler Hewitt, @Tyler_Hewitt) kept his new kingpin Remy Pancake alive, and Grandpa Warwick (Laura Hamstra, @lauraehamstra) forgot who his real and fake friends were. What will happen now that Grandpa Warwick turned into a werewolf? Find out next, on Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons! Also featuring our awesome DM Tom McGee (@mcgeetd).

Om Podcasten

Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons is a podcast where improvisers who’ve never roleplayed before journey into the world of Dungeons & Dragons. The series is hosted by our dungeon master, Tom McGee, and features our regular players - the sneaky Tyler Hewitt, the brilliant Laura Hamstra, and the flatulent Ryan LaPlante - alongside a rotating cast of special guests. Featured on Spotify, ScreenRant, Lifehacker, and the official Dungeons & Dragons podcast Dragon Talk, Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons is regularly in the top 10 comedy fiction podcasts around the globe and ranked #2 of the top 50 fiction podcasts (and #72 of ALL podcasts) on Spotify in the USA. ScreenRant said of the show, "There's nothing better for beginning players!" So, join our heroes and find out why Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons has been downloaded more than 4 million times! You can follow the show on any social @dumbdumbdice, and become a hero yourself by joining our Patreon at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice