The British Artists Are Worse Than Stag Parties Edition - Week 3 - 2024

While a toilet paper discount caused stampedes in Utrecht, Geert Wilders broke the coalition talks' radio silence for the first time this week. Not to say how happy he is that tart from his home province is now officially on an EU heritage list, but to say that the four parties have "a major problem" following the VVD senate faction's surprising vote in favor of the controversial spreading law, which is opposed by the VVD in the Tweede Kamer, but supported by the VVD in cabinet. The UK government calls on British nationals abroad to register for upcoming elections -- if they haven't been kicked out or forced to move due to ever-increasing rents. An unknown Nijmegen punk band turns out to be one of the biggest Dutch gigs on the international stage, Belgium has won the title of confiscating the most cocaine and the Dutch flower industry is falling victim of inflation and Brexit, just like Ajax that's unable to let their newest acquisition play just yet. One more week to vote for your favorite ophef and to win a special mug!

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