“Four strategies for scaling effective giving (MCF 2024 memo)” by Sjir Hoeijmakers🔸

This memo was originally written for the Effective Giving Summit 2024, and slightly adapted/updated for the Meta Coordination Forum 2024. I’m sharing this here (with very minor edits) in the hope it will be useful for others as well. TL;DR We’d like to find ways to scale the current ~$1 billion to (say) 10s of billions of dollars moved to high-impact funding opportunities (HIFOs) each year Note that this would still only be ~10% of the $500B of donations made in the US every year; this seems like an ambitious but achievable goal. I think it's useful to categorise current approaches to fundraising into 4 (2x2) candidate strategies, each of which can be applied to different target groups: Broad direct Broad pledge HNW direct HNW pledge These strategies can (and likely should) be combined by organisations, but some may ultimately scale much better than others. I think [...] ---Outline:(00:24) TL;DR(02:00) Defining the categories(02:22) Broad vs HNW(03:52) Direct vs pledge(06:41) Comparing the four strategies(07:44) Limiting factors(10:54) Sustained giving(11:38) Value drift / Incentives(12:28) Spreading EG principles(13:42) Diversification of funding/perspectives(14:06) Example: the broad pledge strategy--- First published: October 2nd, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/3ahBWEjrR9D2ujbjy/four-strategies-for-scaling-effective-giving-mcf-2024-memo --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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