“Gwern on creating your own AI race and China’s Fast Follower strategy.” by Larks

This is a link post. Gwern recently wrote a very interesting thread about Chinese AI strategy and the downsides of US AI racing. It's both quite short and hard to excerpt so here is almost the entire thing: Hsu is a long-time China hawk and has been talking up the scientific & technological capabilities of the CCP for a long time, saying they were going to surpass the West any moment now, so I found this interesting when Hsu explains that: the scientific culture of China is 'mafia' like (Hsu's term, not mine) and focused on legible easily-cited incremental research, and is against making any daring research leaps or controversial breakthroughs... but is capable of extremely high quality world-class followup and large scientific investments given a clear objective target and government marching orders there is no interest or investment in an AI arms race, in part [...] --- First published: November 25th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/Kz8WpQkCckN9JNHCN/gwern-on-creating-your-own-ai-race-and-china-s-fast-follower --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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