“NYT - What if Charity Shouldn’t be Optimized” by jackva

This is a link post. A new article in the NYT out today heavily discussing effective giving and effective altruism. Unfortunately pretty surface-level and not really examining why optimizing charity is indeed good, but rather stating old critiques and giving them no scrutiny. The conclusion sumps up the tone and take of the article pretty well: There's nothing wrong with the desire to measure the value of our giving. But there's also nothing wrong with thinking expansively about that value, or the tools for measuring it. Maybe a neighbor giving to another neighbor is what one fractured street needs. Maybe making someone else's life magnificent is hard to price. --- First published: December 7th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/DFpFPaC9MQJ6BDpHS/nyt-what-if-charity-shouldn-t-be-optimized --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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