“Opportunities to improve EA communications” by Good Impressions

Many people wish EA was better at communicating with non-EA audiences and want to help, but aren’t sure how. We offer a few options below. If you’re unfamiliar with Good Impressions, our website is here and we’ve also provided some additional information below.   1. Submit your ideas for EA communications projects Do you have an idea for an impactful EA communications project? Is there something you wish someone would do to improve EA communications? These could be projects that help organizations involved in EA causes, the causes themselves, or EA as a whole. Submit your idea here and we will consider pursuing it or finding someone else to pursue it. 2. Submit referrals for experienced marketing or communications professionals  We are looking for marketing or communications professionals to bring additional types of expertise to our team, either in [...] ---Outline:(00:22) 1. Submit your ideas for EA communications projects(00:50) 2. Submit referrals for experienced marketing or communications professionals(01:25) 3. Apply to work at Good Impressions(02:39) About Good Impressions(03:16) Expanding our theory of change--- First published: October 15th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/8M8jGsCLcTzTnYtsw/opportunities-to-improve-ea-communications --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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