“The Subject in Subjective Time: A New Approach to Aggregating Wellbeing (paper draft)” by Devin Kalish

What follows is a lightly edited version of the thesis I wrote for my Bioethics MA program. I'm hoping to do more with this in the future, including seeking publication and/or expanding it into a dissertation or short book. In its current state, I feel like it is in pretty rough shape. I hope it is useful and interesting for people as puzzled by this very niche philosophical worry as me, but I'm also looking for feedback on how I can improve it. There's no guarantee I will take it, or even do anything further with this piece, but I would still appreciate the feedback. I may or may not interact much in the comments section.              I. Introduction: Duration is an essential component of many theories of wellbeing. While there are theories of wellbeing that are sufficiently discretized that time isn’t so obviously relevant to them [...] ---Outline:(00:46) I. Introduction:(06:07) II. Subjective Time is Real:(15:20) III. Objective Time is Real:(21:02) IV. Subjective Time, Simulation, and Delusion:(30:02) V. What is Subjective Time, Really?(40:42) VI. It's Not the Speed of Just any Thought:(43:17) VII. Container of Wellbeing, Versus Subject of Wellbeing:(52:38) VIII. Are We Our Thoughts, or Our Feelings?(59:57) IX. Illusionism, Phenomenology, and Measurement:(01:10:30) X. Conclusion:(01:16:11) Acknowledgements:--- First published: September 15th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/wWFMjJpxgWx6KjxEm/the-subject-in-subjective-time-a-new-approach-to-aggregating --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO. ---Images from the article:Apple Podcasts and Spotify do not show images in the episode description. Try Pocket Casts, or another podcast app.

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