“What should EAIF Fund?” by hbesceli
I work at the EA Infrastructure Fund, and I'd love to hear people's ideas for what EAIF should fund (and why). I'm particularly interested hearing ideas on this at the moment because I'm planning on publishing a list of 'projects we'd like to fund' on our website. I'm interested in finding ideas for particularly valuable projects, and running specific application rounds to fund people to work on them (akin to a hiring round). There's more detail on EAIF's scope here. Feel free to email me at harri@effectivealtruismfunds.org if you have ideas that you'd like to share privately. (If you're interested in receiving funding from EAIF yourself, you can apply here, and your welcome to reach out if you have any questions) --- First published: October 26th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/ejTYFAE2PWzjCFDHf/what-should-eaif-fund --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.