286: Star Trek Las Vegas 2019

Trek.fm Host Roundtable Discussion. It's that time of year again, Star Trek Las Vegas! Several hosts from the network made the annual pilgrimage to STLV 2019: Ken Tripp and Zach Moore from Standard Orbit, Amy Nelson, Justin Oser and Joe Keegan from Earl Grey (plus The Edge for Amy and The Linefor Justin), and Mike Schindler from The Edge and The Line. This week on Earl Grey, we share our Trek.fm host roundtable discussion where we discuss our convention likes, dislikes and experiences! But stay tuned as we wrap up Sunday's panels and as a special treat, Joe Keegan brought some Scottish snacks for us to try.  What were some of our favorite panels? Which show will come next from CBS All Access? Is the Section 31 series still going to happen? Who made those amazing Discovery skant costumes you might've seen at this year's STLV? All this and much more, boldly listen! Chapters  Welcome to Earl Grey (00:01:27) Trek.fm Hosts Roundtable Discussion (00:03:09) Remembering El Paso (00:05:51) Picard Panel (00:07:20) Favorite Panels (00:11:05) Picard Exhibit (00:15:55) Upcoming Series, CBS/Paramount Merger (00:23:33) Teaching Trek Panels (00:39:05) Final Thoughts, Hopes For Future Conventions (00:42:58) Sunday Panel Discussion (00:54:46) Scottish Food Review (01:10:43) Closing (01:25:50)  HostsKen Tripp Zach Moore Amy Nelson Justin Oser Joe Keegan Mike Schindler Production Zach Moore (Editor & Producer) Amy Nelson (Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Ken Tripp (Executive Producer) Norman C. Lao (Associate Producer) Michael E Hueter (Associate Producer) Thomas Appel (Associate Producer) Justin Oser (Associate Producer) Chris Tribuzio (Associate Producer) Joe Keegan (Associate Producer) Jim McMahon (Associate Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Patreon Manager)

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Earl Grey is a Trek.fm podcast dedicated entirely to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Not an episode review show, Earl Grey explores specific elements of TNG.