Earl Grey 45: Decorative Useless Helmets

Cardassians on TNG.Galor-class warships. The occupation of Bajor. The Demilitarized Zone. Marc Alaimo in the armor uniform. These aspects of the Cardassians are seen throughout Deep Space Nine, but they all originated on The Next Generation. In this week's episode of Earl Grey, Phillip Gilfus, Darren Moser, and Daniel Proulx review all the TNG episodes featuring this species, how they rate as villains for the Enterprise-D crew, and whether the Cardassians stood on their own on TNG or were merely setup characters for future Deep Space Nine and Voyager storylines.   Chapters First Impressions (3:30) The Wounded  Ensign Ro (16:23) Chain of Command (21:40) The Chase (28:10) Parallels (30:08) Lower Decks (31:20) Journeys End (34:20) Preemptive Strike (37:20) Ranking (41:03) Setup for DS9/VOY? (47:00)

Om Podcasten

Earl Grey is a Trek.fm podcast dedicated entirely to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Not an episode review show, Earl Grey explores specific elements of TNG.