Adam Stokes: From Egypt to Ohio, The Giants of Ancient America
This book examines the origins of the lost race of giants whose skeletons have been uncovered in numerous mounds and sites all over North America. The evidence largely suggests that the giants came from the Near East and were likely Semitic (Egypto-Israelite) in origin.Adam Oliver Stokes (born 1981) has degrees in religion from Duke University and Yale Divinity School. He has published on a variety of topics including biblical studies, Mormon studies, Classical studies and ancient American history. His work has been featured in numerous journals and magazines including the Classical Outlook, Journal of Book of Mormon Studies and Ancient American magazine. He is the author of FROM EGYPT TO OHIO: A SEMITIC ORIGIN FOR THE GIANTS OF NORTH AMERICA and PERSPECTIVES ON THE OLD TESTAMENT: DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES FROM ANCIENT TO MODERN TIMES. He has also appeared on multiple podcasts including EARTH ANCIENTS, LOST ORIGINS, BROADCAST TEAM ALPHA, EXPLORING THE BIZARRE and MY ALIEN LIFE. He currently teaches high school Latin in New Jersey and a course on the Old Testament at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia.Become a supporter of this podcast: