Celebrating 15 years of food stories with chocolate, pupusas and urban farming

“...Call them tamale pancakes, stuffed masa frita, the humble lovechild of a quesadilla y calzone…” This week on the show, we’re celebrating 15 years of Earth Eats with favorite stories reaching back to 2018. We visit a midwest chocolate factory crafting world-class chocolate and a poet making pupusas in his kitchen. We talk with Suzanne Babb, an urban farmer with La Finca del Sur in South Bronx and hear about how home canning is making a comeback (that last one is from Harvest Public Media, and it’s new!) 

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Earth Eats is a show about food and farming. It’s storytelling, recipes, farm visits, and kitchen sessions. We have conversations with scholars, chefs, growers, and food justice activists. We hear from authors, artists, scientists, poets, and people who love to eat. Earth Eats is a production of WFIU Public Radio and Indiana Public Media.