Jessica Wilson talks about what we get wrong when we focus on weight [replay]

“Speaking directly to Black women and wanting Black women to know that their bodies are not the problem. The way that our bodies are treated and problematized and pathologized, we’re often taught that it’s our fault, that it’s our problem to fix or we just need to love our bodies out of societal oppression.”   This week on the show a conversation with dietitian and author Jessica Wilson about her book, It’s Always Been Ours: Rewriting the Story of Black Women’s Bodies She’s challenging us to rethink the politics of body positivity by centering the bodies of Black women in our discussions about food, weight, health and wellness.

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Earth Eats is a show about food and farming. It’s storytelling, recipes, farm visits, and kitchen sessions. We have conversations with scholars, chefs, growers, and food justice activists. We hear from authors, artists, scientists, poets, and people who love to eat. Earth Eats is a production of WFIU Public Radio and Indiana Public Media.